LED BarLight System (VRChat AudioLink)
This is an asset for VRChat worlds.
This is a complete set of shaders and models designed to illuminate multiple LED bar lights in a pleasing manner using color reflection from videos and AudioLink.
Two prefabs are included: one that reflects the color of the video player, and another that illuminates using a specified gradient.
- Illuminates nicely with AudioLink (for VRChat) and color reflection from videos.
- Light spreads from the LED bar lights in a pleasing shaft-like manner.
- The floor-standing type allows individual LED bar lights to be freely moved and positioned.
- The LED bar light models can have their stands and base parts separated, making them convenient for installation on walls or ceilings.
- Even without using AudioLink, it can reflect the color of the video or scroll the color of a texture specified by SamplingTex Color.
- Includes easy-to-understand installation instructions with screenshots↓↓↓
Explanation of Installation
The installation method is explained here, with easy-to-understand instructions accompanied by screenshots.
Model Details
- Central circular truss part: 59,744 polygons
- LED Bar Light: 6,136 polygons each
- 17 textures of 2k resolution
- 5 materials
- Total file size of the models is approximately 3 MBytes.
- Video player is not included.
- Any video player capable of using render textures can be used, but the explanation page uses VizVid player for demonstration.
- Various optimizations have been made with performance in mind, but if you feel it's too heavy, try reducing the number of LED bar lights placed.
- Compatible with Unity2022.3.6f1. Not tested with Unity2019.
Sample World
A sample world in VRChat where you can see the actual items.
Operational Verification Status
- VRChat Worlds
- PC World: OK
- Quest World: No
- VRChat Avatars
- PC Avatar: Not verified
- Quest Avatar: No
Terms of Use
- Using in world creation or avatars: OK
- Redistribute / Sharing Files: Prohibited
- Reselling / Claiming it as your own work: Prohibited
- Including in avatars or worlds for sale: Prohibited
Update History
- 2024/02/04 V001 Initial
- 2024/02/09 V002 Remove the texture for configuration warnings
- 2024/08/13 V003 Added a Prefab that allows illumination with specified colors when using AudioLink, without using video player colors
- 2024/08/24 V004 Fixed an issue where the Color property is now applied to the bar light's color when using AudioLink
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