Noriben AQUARIUM (Aquarium Set with Fish Particles and Feeding Function, VRChat)
This is an aquarium set usable in VRChat world.
Neon tetras swim freely in a beautiful aquascape composed of aquatic plants and rocks.
Included for VRChat worlds (SDK3) is a gimmick that dispenses feed attracting fish.
The aquarium size is a standard 90cm tank, measuring W90cm x H45cm x D45cm.
- Aquarium (196 polygons)
- Rocks and aquatic plants (480 polygons)
- Neon tetra (48 polygons each)
- Water surface (2 polygons)
- Aquarium stand (216 polygons)
- Fish particles and fish shaders
- Water surface shaders
- Caustics shaders (using custom render textures and projectors)
- A package for VRChat worlds (SDK3) that includes a feed-dispensing feature for the fish
- A fish reset button for VRChat worlds (SDK3)
Demo World
Operational Verification Status
Verified to work in Unity2019.4.31f1 and Unity2022.3.6f1 Built-in RP & Linear Color environments. Usable in Unity, VRChat.
- VRChat Worlds
- PC World: OK
- Quest World: OK
- VRChat Avatars
- PC Avatar: No
- Quest Avatar: No
Prefabs for both PC and Quest are included. The Quest version features slightly simplified movements of the fish fins.
Update History
- 2021/3/7 V001 Initial release
- 2021/3/7 V002 Fixed an issue where rotating the entire prefab would cause it to swing widely
- 2021/3/8 V003 Added an aquarium stand
- 2021/3/9 V004 Limited the fish-reactive collider layers to Default and Pickup only. Adjusted the feed package texture. Added parameters to the caustics shader.
- 2021/3/14 V005 Introduced a package that dispenses feed attracting fish.
- 2021/3/15 V006 Added a simplified feed package for SDK2
- 2021/3/16 V007 Supported VRChat's Quest worlds. Added a fish reset button.
- 2021/8/5 V008 Supported VRChat 2019. Fish now automatically reset every hour.
- 2021/12/28 V009 Fixed an issue where fish would constantly appear at the world origin.
- 2022/03/11 V010 Supported Single Pass Stereo (Instanced) rendering. Changed folder structure.
- 2022/11/28 V011 Fixed the issue where the feed movement would stop in desktop mode. Verified functionality in the VCC U#1.0 environment.
Terms of Use
- Using in world creation or avatars: OK
- Redistribute / Sharing Files: Prohibited
- Reselling / Claiming it as your own work: Prohibited
- Including in avatars or worlds for sale: Prohibited
22 sales
45.9 MB
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